Don’t delay, buy Stalled today!

Stalled, the festival hit UK zomedy is now out on DVD and Blu Ray and fast becoming a hit on home release, flying up the charts already.

It is a film that Alan Jones, one of the organisers of Frightfest called ‘One of the cleverest films I have seen for quite some time’ and Rue Morgue magazine described as ‘Destined to become a future cult classic.’ there really is no excuse to not check this film out.

If you aren’t familiar with the film it is set on Christmas Eve, where WC, a tired janitor on his final shift, wearily enters a ladies restroom to complete his work whilst an office party, to which he is not invited takes place.

Two drunken office girls enter, so WC lays down his tool-box and hides in the centre stall but moments later he is horrified to witness one of the girls is savaged by her rabid pal! If there’s one place you don’t want to be stuck in during a zombie outbreak, it’s a cubicle in the ladies toilets. WC is quite literally STALLED!

To celebrate the release the team behind the film have released a new trailer, so if you haven’t discovered this film already check it out below, then read our feature on the film our interview with writer and lead actor Dan Palmer or even check our review.

Available from all good online retailers including Amazon and most stores including HMV, don’t delay and order Stalled today.

~ by zombipedia on February 24, 2014.
